Company: Structwel Designers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

Position Title: Sr. Site Engineer

Reporting to: General Manager - Projects

Location: Jamnagar- 2.5 Months- For deputation (do physical audit with team ) . Post which 2-3 months Navi mumbai HO to make a report


FIELDWORK( Deputation )

 To Guide the team technically & administratively in the field/On-site.

 Study the architectural and structural drawings if provided by the client.

 Carrying out detailed visual inspection of steel structures on site.

 Coordination with team members for the status of work.

 Collecting data for each member and recording it in an approved checklist.

 Attending the plant-specific safety training conducted by the client.


 To get Prepared the checklist (datasheet) and compilation for all structures.

 To get Prepared the compressive draft report along with NDT inference.

 To get Prepared the Conclusion of the inspection including recommending

the most suitable techno-commercial and economical repairs/ strengthening methodology.

 To get Prepared the BOQ.

 To get Prepared the distress mapping drawing.

 To get Prepared the final report with a compilation of drawings, BOQ, NDT

report, specification of works, etc.