Company: Structwel Designers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Position Title: Sr. Site Engineer
Reporting to: General Manager - Projects
Location: Jamnagar- 2.5 Months- For deputation (do physical audit with team ) . Post which 2-3 months Navi mumbai HO to make a report
FIELDWORK( Deputation )
To Guide the team technically & administratively in the field/On-site.
Study the architectural and structural drawings if provided by the client.
Carrying out detailed visual inspection of steel structures on site.
Coordination with team members for the status of work.
Collecting data for each member and recording it in an approved checklist.
Attending the plant-specific safety training conducted by the client.
To get Prepared the checklist (datasheet) and compilation for all structures.
To get Prepared the compressive draft report along with NDT inference.
To get Prepared the Conclusion of the inspection including recommending
the most suitable techno-commercial and economical repairs/ strengthening methodology.
To get Prepared the BOQ.
To get Prepared the distress mapping drawing.
To get Prepared the final report with a compilation of drawings, BOQ, NDT
report, specification of works, etc.